JCoR SDG Lab at the 2024 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

Flyer for JCoR's SDG LabThe annual High Level Political Forum (HLPF) will take place from 8-17 July this year. It functions as the central United Nations platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each year, the forum focuses on a select few SDGs, and government leaders voluntarily report on their national progress toward achievement of these SDGs. The SDGs of focus this year are 1, 2, 13, 16, and 17.

In addition to reports from governments, the HLPF also includes events sponsored by civil society groups, to highlight their perspectives on implementation and progress toward the SDGs in their respective countries. JCoR will join the conversation by offering a series of virtual discussion, which we are calling the “JCoR SDG Lab.” This series will showcase Catholic Religious and their partners’ perspectives on progress and good practices towards sustainable development. It will run from 22-26 July and include sessions dedicated to each of the aforementioned SDGs of focus for the 2024 HLPF.

All are welcome to attend these JCoR SDG Lab sessions. Please see the details below, and register to join us for one or more of the sessions!

Interpretation will be provided in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.


Monday, 22 July, 9:00am-10:45am (New York time): SDG 1 No Poverty

Tuesday, 23 July, 9:00am-10:45am (New York time): SDG 2 Zero Hunger

Wednesday, 24 July, 9:00am-10:45am (New York time): SDG 13 Climate Action

Thursday, 25 July, 9:00am-10:45am (New York time): SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Friday, 26 July, 9:00am-10:45am (New York time): SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals