Capacity Building for Religious Representatives to the UN

All JCoR member organizations have a representative to the United Nations Headquarters in New York. One of the overarching aims of the JCoR initiative is to improve the communication systems and data on which these representatives base their advocacy in UN spaces. As women and men Religious ministering to the poorest and most vulnerable at the grassroots engage in collective data gathering and justice action at the local and national levels, their representatives at the UN will be better equipped to articulate in global halls of power the unjust realities in which Religious serve, the root causes of the injustices they encounter, and the priorities and solutions identified by those suffering the most.

Additionally, UN representatives of JCoR member organizations are offered regular tutorials and opportunities for guided practice using a variety of technological tools that facilitate their collaboration and communication with one another and with other NGO representatives at the UN. Because these tools are broadly applicable, Religious representatives at the UN can use them to improve their collaboration and communication with members of their own congregations and other congregations around the globe.