Toward Justice & Peace: Catholic Religious Leadership & Collaboration in North & East India

The Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR) invite all Catholic Sisters, Brothers, Priests, and their Associates and Ministry Partners in North and East India to join these free, three-day, in- person workshops on rights-based advocacy in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

These workshops will be participatory and action-oriented with an aim of building practical skills for advocacy at the state and national levels as well as within the United Nations system. Each one will be tailored to the context of the state in which it is being offered and will culminate in the participants’ collaboration in the design and enactment of a joint campaign to advance justice in their state on an issue of their choosing.

Topics will include:

  • SDGs as a global framework for uniting ministries and advocating for justice and peace
  • Documenting for advocacy
  • Ecological justice
  • Monitoring and evaluation using the SDG framework
  • Call for mission – opportunities, threats, and challenges



Workshop for Odisha & Jharkhand:
3-5 November 2022 at Pastoral Centre Kandhamal

Workshop for Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, and UP:
11-13 November 2022 at CRI Center, New Delhi


Click here, or on the workshop flyer (below) to see the invitation and full registration instructions.











Workshop Content (Delhi/Punjab/Haryana/Uttar Pradesh): 

Click on the following links to access the presentations and resource materials that were shared with participants at the workshop.

Agenda for JCoR Delhi Workshop

Catholic Social Teaching and the UN

Defining Justice

Human Rights in Jesus

Intro to Spiritual Leadership in the UN System

Intro to the SDGs

Introduction to Justice Coalition of Religious

Gender Equality & Justice in the Church


Photos from Delhi/Punjab/Haryana/Uttar Pradesh workshop:

Workshop Content (Odisha): 

Click on the following links to access the presentations and resource materials that were shared with participants at the workshop.


Agenda for JCoR-Orissa Workshop

Action Planning for an Advocacy Campaign_Steps & Reflection Questions

Development Trajectory of Odisha

Gender Justice in the Church

Intro to the SDGs

Introduction to Justice Coalition of Religious

Leadership for Systemic Change & International Advocacy

Timeline for Input in the UN into UN Processes


Photos from Odisha workshop: