Faith Speaks to UN75: an online conversation among faith and diplomatic leaders on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations

An online discussion among faith & diplomatic leaders on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations:

At a time of great disruptions in the world, the UN is marking its 75th anniversary. The COVID-19 global health crisis with severe economic and social impacts creates increased challenges for the UN. Faith-based organizations (FBOs) have a history of serving people and are among the first responders in times of global crisis including the ongoing COVID- 19 pandemic. Our communities and partners on the ground ensure that basic needs are met for all people, regardless of religion, in the communities in which we live and serve. We reach out communities that are often the most vulnerable and are left behind.

Faith-based actors fill the service gaps usually without government assistance. FBOs continually engage in projects on the ground that specifically further the objectives of the UN Charter, implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as other UN mandates that promote the common good and step up to realize them. These demonstrations of long-term commitment and investment in the UN mission cannot be aligned with the shrinking space for FBOs participation in the negotiations and reviews of UN frameworks. We must ensure that throughout the UN processes and respective consultations at all levels, FBOs are not only present but also have the meaningful, collaborative seat at the table that we continually earn by protecting fundamental freedoms of assembly, association, worship, and expression.

The continued support and actions of faith-based organizations are essential as we forge ahead to “build back together”. These are also equally essential as we accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals for all people, especially for those left furthest behind. For, as the Golden Rule states “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This is a guide for people of all faiths. Our core values are largely aligned with the 2030 Agenda. The FBOs are well placed to carry innovations and lessons learned across communities and national borders. The UN can only benefit from the reach of faith-based organizations.

We all share a common objective: a future of dignity, prosperity and peace on a healthy planet. This is true whether you are Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jew, Muslim or any other major faith. We need to continue working together through partnerships and strengthened collaboration among faith-based organizations and civil society in general, national governments, the international community, the private sector and other actors.

The panelists and participants in this webinar will dialogue on the opportunities for creating the space to leverage such partnerships in common cause to build a better world despite the vast challenges we currently face. They will also explore the pathways to make the role of the faith-based organizations in the UN processes more central and impactful, in the context of the UN75 discussion on the future of the UN.