• Beijing Platform for Action: Women and Church Action for Gender Equity

    On 11 March 2025, JCoR co-sponsored a parallel event during the 69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). This hybrid event celebrated the radical, creative, and transformative contributions of women of faith in advancing gender equity within their communities and beyond.  Sponsors: Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Loreto Generalate, VIVAT International, Medical Mission Sisters, Maryknoll Sisters, Society of the Sacred Heart, and the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd Description: The intergenerational dialogue explored the experiences of women of faith since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995. It highlighted the rich history and contributions of religious women, emphasizing the innovative ways they have navigated and worked within patriarchal systems to effect meaningful change. The panel also examined the progress made, identified persistent gaps, and discussed how women religious, faith-based organizations, and men of faith can collaborate to advance gender equality. Furthermore,…

  • RUN Education Session: Turn Debt into Hope

    This educational presentation was led by Alfonso Apiccella of Caritas Internationalis for the representatives of Catholic Religious NGOs to the United Nations (RUN) in February 2025. For additional information on Caritas’s Turn Debt into Hope campaign, we invite you to visit the campaign website and the slides from this presentation.   

  • Flyer for JCoR's 2025 HLPF Programme

    2025 Programme for “Digital Delegates” of Religious NGOs to the HLPF on Sustainable Development

    Click on the following links to view the programme in English, Español, Português, and Français. Eligibility to Participate: Affiliation with a congregation of Catholic Sisters, Brothers, and priests, including Members of any congregation Lay co-members, associates, employees, mission partners of any congregation Members of any lay association that is affiliated with a congregation Significant personal experience in/of one of the countries whose government will present a progress report at the 2025 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), for example: currently lives or recently lived in the country is currently responsible for liaising with Religious in the country is currently responsible for supporting projects in the country Ability to read and converse in English, Spanish, and/or Portuguese Goals for participants: Build understanding of the role of the Religious voice in the UN system and global efforts toward just, sustainable development Establish or deepen understanding of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and…

  • Webinar: Hopes and Hopelessness in Latin America and the Caribbean

    We are preparing our hearts for the beginning of the “Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope,” so we invite you to participate in the webinar “Hopes and Hopelessness in Latin America and the Caribbean.” This webinar is held in the commemoration of International Human Rights Day. It will be led by Sister Daniela Cannavina, HCMR, and feature the guest speaker Guillermo Campuzano, CM.  Click here to view a recording of this webinar.    

  • Flyer for Sisters Rising Worldwide orientation

    Education Session: Sisters Rising Worldwide Orientation to Crowdfunding and Networking

    On Friday, December 6th, from 8:00am-9:15am (New York time), one of JCoR’s  board  members, Beth Blissman, PhD, of the Loretto Community, will be offering a webinar that will provide an orientation to Sisters Rising Worldwide. Through an innovative technology platform, Sisters Rising Worldwide is a nonprofit making it possible for Sisters to overcome the challenges of geography, language, and separate congregations to effectively share ideas and strategies that solve the root causes of injustice throughout the world.  We invite Sisters to join our orientation session to learn more about why Sisters Rising Worldwide (SRW.org) was created, and how to access the online platform for Sisters, which is called the Peace Room. We encourage you to help us raise awareness of this event throughout your networks. Click on the following link to access a shareable event flyer. Click here to watch a recording of this orientation.   OFFICE HOURS:  As a…

  • Let’s Talk Mental Health: Tending to our mental health as advocacy practitioners

    On Monday, 19 February 2024, from 12:00pm-1:30pm (New York time) JCoR hosted special guest Bekah Sears, who led us in an education session titled, Let’s Talk Mental Health: Tending to our mental health as advocacy practitioners. This webinar approached the topic of mental health with a faith perspective. It aimed to increase awareness of the mental health impacts of working in the advocacy sector, address the question of how to recognize our current state of mental health, and provide strategies for responding to our mental health needs. View the event flyer here. Click on the following links to access the presentation slides, a recording of this event, and a list of additional resources.   Rebekah (Bekah) Sears has spent her career, thus far, in the non-profit sector, working for justice and helping to amplify the voices of people experiencing marginalization and oppression. She is both passionate about serving others and…

  • 2024 Programme for “Digital Delegates” of Religious NGOs to the HLPF on Sustainable Development

    Click on the following links to view the programme in English, Español, and Portuguese. Participants: Religious Sisters, Brothers, priests, associates, and partners in mission who are based in, or have significant personal experience in, countries who will present VNR reports to the 2024 HLPF Goals for participants: Build understanding of the role of the Religious voice in the UN system and global efforts toward just, sustainable development Establish or deepen understanding of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the related High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) on progress toward achieving them Get support from UN representatives of Religious NGOs toward participation in your national and global conversations on SDG progress Meet and learn from other women and men Religious and their partners who are seeking to implement and monitor SDGs in your region and other parts of the world Format: Series of…

  • Come Learn with Us: Haiti Webinar

    On 8 November 2023 JCoR hosted a webinar on Haiti featuring Nixon Boumba. The content of this educational session covered the historical context of Haiti and illuminated how it informs Haiti’s ongoing struggle to secure a just and peaceful democracy. Nixon Boumba is a social justice activist who uses the human right framework to achieve social change in Haiti. For the last two decades, Boumba has devoted himself to being an organizer and a part of the student movement, the paysans movement, women and feminist movements, and the movement to access basic services in the slum areas particularly in Port-au-Prince. Since the earthquake, Boumba worked with mining organizers, the land rights and reform movement, the anti-corruption movement, and the movement around the mega-project in the country. For the last 6 years, Boumba has worked as a capacity-builder for the LGBTI movement. Boumba has a Bachelor’s in Sociology and is doing a Master’s degree in history at the state University in…

  • Joint Action for Gender Justice: Signature campaign to end communal violence in Manipur (July 2023)

    JCoR network members in Goa, India spoke out about communal violence in the state of Manipur and lack of intervention from the central Indian government; focusing especially on the effect of the violence on women. They were involved in a signature campaign on a letter to the Prime Minister and Home Minister of India as well as the Chief Minister of Manipur, which garnered 300 signatures in the first two days of its circulation. They also held a press conference calling for national- and state-government interventions to end the violence, including legal and mental health services for all who have been affected. Learn more about this advocacy action via the following links: from Herald TV (English): https://youtu.be/Z7GqTBNV_QI?t=449 from Goa 24×7 (nearly 15 minutes of press conference itself in English): https://www.facebook.com/InGoa24x7/videos/1479290336176222 from Goa 365 TV (Konani): https://youtu.be/_RPTNNJKOL4?t=506 from Prime News (English): https://youtu.be/q40rt_qJUxY?t=221    

  • Flyer for 2023 JCoR SDG Lab

    JCoR SDG Lab at the 2023 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

    The annual High Level Political Forum (HLPF) will take place from 10-20 July this year. It functions as the central United Nations platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each year, the forum focuses on a select few SDGs, and government leaders voluntarily report on their national progress toward achievement of these SDGs. The SDGs of focus this year are 6, 7, 9, 11, and 17. In addition to reports from governments, the HLPF also includes events sponsored by civil society groups, to highlight their perspectives on implementation and progress toward the SDGs in their respective countries. JCoR will join the conversation by offering a series of virtual discussion, which we are calling the “JCoR SDG Lab.” This series will showcase Catholic Religious and their partners’ perspectives on progress and good practices towards sustainable development. It will run…

  • Tech Tutorial: Google Workspace

    Join JCoR for a virtual tutorial on Google Workspace! We will offer a tour of the basic mechanics of Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms, and how you can utilize these three excellent tools for collaborative work like ours!  (Please register here even if you will participate in person)                 

  • Visit JCoR’s Exhibit Booth at the NGO CSW67 Forum

    JCoR is sponsoring a virtual exhibit booth at the NGO CSW67 Forum. It is a dedicated webpage on the NGO CSW Forum platform, which serves as a central hub where you can access: Information and links to all our CSW-related events, activities, and programs, including: Parallel events and panel discussions facilitated by our member organizations Calendar of events that will stream live from our exhibition booth and opportunities for you to participate too! Resources and publications created by our member organizations More information about our coalition and its advocacy initiatives Click here to visit the JCoR CSW67 exhibit booth!      Click on the following link to view a YouTube playlist made up of the recordings of all of JCoR’s CSW events    Featured JCoR events from the exhibit booth calendar include:  JCoR Welcome Gathering for Delegates of Religious NGOs 4 March 2023, 9:00am-10:30am (New York time) JCoR is offering…

  • Programme for Religious NGO Digital Delegates to the HLPF

    Click on the following links to view the programme in English, Français, and Español Participants: Religious Sisters, Brothers, priests, associates, and partners in mission who are based in, or have significant personal experience in, countries who will present VNR reports to the 2023 HLPF Goals for participants: Build understanding of the role of the Religious voice in the UN system and global efforts toward just, sustainable development Establish or deepen understanding of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the related High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) on progress toward achieving them Get support from UN representatives of Religious NGOs toward participation in your national and global conversations on SDG progress Meet and learn from other women and men Religious and their partners who are seeking to implement and monitor SDGs in your region and other parts of the world Format: Series of…

  • Shoeless on Sinai: A Digital Pilgrimage to COP27

    From 6 to 18 November 2022, the governments who are parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change will convene in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt for the conference widely known as “COP27.” Sharm el-Sheikh sits on the Sinai Peninsula, the land held sacred by followers of Abrahamic religions as the place where God appeared to Moses and called him to a mission of liberation. On each day of this conference, you are invited to pray in solidarity with the whole Earth community and, in a special way, with the Catholic Sisters, Brothers, priests, and other faith leaders who will be advocating for environmental justice in the UN proceedings on the Sinai Peninsula. Join your sisters and brothers—in Sinai and around the world—in this “digital pilgrimage” by participating in one or more of the activities below, or click here (or on the images below) to view the pilgrimage flyer in English,…

  • A Call to Action for the Education of Adolescent Girls

    Join us on 6 October 2022, from 9:00am-9:30am for Day 6 of the 11 Days of Action! Live-streamed event featuring “Drive For Five: A Global Call to Action for the Education of Adolescent Girls,” followed by a live conversation with a girl activists. View the event flyer here FEATURED GIRL ACTIVISTS: Megal – Climate Activist from India Leonie – United Kingdom Isabella – United Kingdom Bettie – Kenya Conversation moderated by: Maria – Mexico WATCH VIA LIVESTREAM: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DayoftheGirlSummit YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiQBFP_lRi66cJkDE5R6Hpg/videos?app=desktop    

  • Delivering SDG 4.7: Catholic Religious Organizations and the Lifelong Formation of Global Citizens

    Delivering SDG 4.7: Catholic Religious Organisations and the Lifelong Formation of Global Citizens This side event on the margins of the 2022 UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development will bring together the voices of faith-based organisations from the Catholic tradition, which have a presence across many global regions, to share good practices and recommendations with respect to the achievement of SDG 4’s Target 7.   Click here to register!   View event flyer 7:30am to 9:00am (New York & Port-au-Prince / UTC -4:00)  1:30pm to 3:00pm (Madrid, Maputo & Rome / UTC +2:00) 7:30pm to 9:00pm (Manila / UTC +8:00) Cumplir el ODS 4.7: Las organizaciones Religiosas Católicas y la Formación Permanente de la Ciudadanía Global Este evento paralelo dentro del Foro Político de Alto Nivel de la ONU sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible de 2022 reunirá las voces de las organizaciones eclesiales, presentes en muchas regiones del mundo, para…

  • JCoR SDG Lab at the 2022 High Level Political Forum

    Series of showcases of Catholic Religious and their partners’ perspectives on progress and good practices toward SDGs 4, 5, 14, 15, and 17   The annual High Level Political Forum (HLPF) will take place from 5-15 July this year. It functions as the central United Nations platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each year, the forum focuses on a select few SDGs, and government leaders voluntarily report on their national progress toward achievement of these SDGs. The SDGs of focus this year are 4, 5, 14, 15, and 17. In addition to reports from governments, the HLPF also includes events sponsored by civil society groups, to highlight their perspectives on implementation and progress toward the SDGs in their respective countries. JCoR will join the conversation by offering a series of virtual conversations, which we are calling the…

  • JCoR Environmental Ministries Showcase (Africa & Asia)

    This presentation of ministry projects being carried out by Catholic Religious Sisters and Fathers in various parts of the African continent was convened by JCoR during the 66th UN Commission on the Status of Women. The theme for this UN conference was an exploration of the intersection of gender equality and environmental sustainability and justice.   This presentation of ministry projects being carried out by Catholic Religious Sisters and Fathers in various parts of Asia was convened by JCoR during the 66th UN Commission on the Status of Women. The theme for this UN conference was an exploration of the intersection of gender equality and environmental sustainability and justice.        

  • My Voice, Our Equal Future: Girls Speak to Climate Change

    This event joins the themes of International Day of the Girl 2021 and CSW66. It provides space for a global conversation among girls, who will discuss their contributions to climate justice, the obstacles they see and their hopes for the future. In Our Common Agenda, António Guterres mentions youth 39 times. He writes, “Listen to and work with youth”. This event seeks to do just that – especially with girls. Girl advocates will approach climate change from perspectives such as education, technology, Covid19, food security and period poverty. Este evento une los temas del Día Internacional de la Niña 2021 y de la CSW66. Este evento ofrece un espacio para una conversación global entre las niñas, que discutirán sus contribuciones a la justicia climática, los obstáculos que ven y sus esperanzas para el futuro. En Nuestra Agenda Común, António Guterres menciona a los jóvenes 39 veces. Escribe: “Escuchen y trabajen…

  • JCoR’s 2022 HLPF Delegation Programme

    The governing member NGOs of the Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR) invite their delegates who will be participating in some portion of the 2022 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) to participate in a series of joint orientation sessions and preparatory projects designed for Religious Sisters, Brothers, priests, Associates, and partners in mission.   2022 HLPF Delegation Programme (with registration links) *Please register separately for each session you will attend live.* Session 1: Flyer Resources Recording Session 2: Flyer Resources Recording Session 3: Recording Las ONGs miembros de la Coalición por la Justicia de los Religiosos (JCoR) invitan a sus delegados que participarán en alguna parte del Foro Político de Alto Nivel sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible (HLPF) de 2022 a participar en una serie de sesiones conjuntas de orientación y proyectos preparatorios diseñados para Hermanas, Hermanos, Sacerdotes, Asociados y Socios en Misión. Programa de la Delegación del HLPF 2022…

  • 2022 UN Orientation for Representatives of Religious NGOs

    January 2022 orientation offered by and for Catholic Religious NGOs’ representatives to the United Nations.   Part 1: Introduction to the Functional Commissions of the UN Economic & Social Council Presented by: Teresa Kotturan, SCN, UN Representative of the Sisters of Charity Federation   Part 2: Introduction to the Commission on Social Development Presented by: Veronica Brand, RSHM, UN Representative of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary   Part 3: Introduction to the Commission on the Status of Women Presented by: Beth Blissman, PhD, Co-Member & UN Representative of the Loretto Community   Part 4: Introduction to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Presented by: Daniel LeBlanc, OMI, UN Representative of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate   Parts 5-14: Playlist of Introduction to NGO Committees and Working Groups Active at UN Headquarters      

  • programación

    Taller de Capacitación de la JCoR 2022

    After a long pause, due to COVID, dates and cities have been rescheduled for the highly-anticipated JCoR workshops in Latin America and the Caribbean! Participation is open to all Sisters, Brothers, priests, and partners in mission across the region. Scroll down for a schedule of each of the regional workshops. The series launched with a virtual workshop (via Zoom) that was held on 2, 3, and 4 February 2022 (4:00-6:00pm Colombia Standard Time). This session was foundational to the in-person workshops that will take place from March-July 2022. If you missed this introductory session, and wish to participate in one of the in-person workshops, please begin by viewing recordings of the 2-4 February event. Después de una larga pausa, debido al COVID, ¡las fechas y ciudades han sido reprogramadas para los tan esperados talleres JCoR en América Latina y el Caribe! La participación está abierta a todas las Hermanas, Hermanos, sacerdotes y colaboradores…

  • Social Media Workshop (Part 1)

    Advocacy via Social Media for Religious NGOs at the UN (Part I)

    Please see the flyer (above) for details on JCoR’s social media training for religious NGOs at the UN. This informal webinar was held on Tuesday, 18 January 2022.    This training was the first in a two-part series:   (1) Our first session focused on tips and tricks to help you make the most effective use of your time on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. It also highlighted mechanisms JCoR has put in place in order to assist you in amplifying our work via social media.  (2) The second session explored ways in which we can think more strategically about how we are choosing to utilize social media in our advocacy efforts, including incorporating storytelling.   A basic understanding of Facebook and Twitter is highly recommended in order for participants to benefit from the learnings shared during these social media webinars.     Click below to view a…

  • 2021 Orientation for Religious NGOs’ Representatives to the UN

    November 2021 orientation offered by and for Catholic Religious NGOs’ representatives to the United Nations.   Part 1: Origins & Purpose of the UN System and its Sustainable Development Goals Presented by: Beth Blissman, PhD, Co-Member and UN Representative of the Loretto Community (Sisters & Co-Members of Loretto)   Part 2: Role of Religious NGOs at the UN Presented by: Teresa Blumenstein, New York Coordinator of the Justice Coalition of Religious   Part 3: Experiential Wisdom: Homelessness Advocacy at the UN Presented by: Jean Quinn, DW, Executive Director of UNANIMA International   Part 4: Earth Advocacy at the UN Presented by: Kevin Cawley, CFC, UN Representative of Edmund Rice International    

  • Zimbabwe workshop #3

    Zimbabwe HLPF Workshop: Sessions #1, #2, and #3

    JCoR offered a three-session online workshop as a way of introduction to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and VNR process in a year when the government of Zimbabwe reported for the second time. The workshop series: offered essential background information on the SDG monitoring and review process,  accompanied participants in reflection on and articulating a response to the SDG progress reports that have been produced by their government and national civil society networks, and facilitated a post-HLPF discussion about how they/their congregations might become more engaged with SDG monitoring between now and future HLPFs. For additional information, please see the workshop flyer and program here.   Session #1: Resources Intro to HLPF, VNRs, and Civil Society Networks Role of Religious at the UN   Session #2: Resources HLPF Reflection Guide   Session #3:      

  • Faith Without Borders - ENG

    Faith Without Borders: Contributions of Catholic Religious Congregations to the 2030 Agenda

    “Faith Without Borders: Partnerships of Governments and Catholic Organizations to Reduce Inequalities for the Post-COVID Era in Spain and Beyond” This panel discussion will feature leaders from the UN system and Spanish government, Spanish civil society, and the global community of Catholic Religious who will offer their perspectives on the role of Religious NGOs in the achievement of the SDGs, through both monitoring (advocacy initiatives) and implementation (good works among populations who have been the most marginalised).  ___________________________________________________________________ “Fe sin fronteras: Alianzas de gobiernos y organizationes católicas para reducir las desigualdades” Este panel de discusión contará con líderes del sistema de la ONU y el gobierno español, la sociedad civil española, y la comunidad global de religiosos católicos que ofrecerán sus perspectivas sobre el papel de las ONG religiosas en el logro de los ODS, a través de ambos seguimiento (iniciativas de incidencia) e implementación (buenas obras entre las poblaciones…

  • Dignity at heart of SDGs

    Dignity at the heart of the SDGs in a Post-COVID Era: Listening to Youth, Older Persons, Refugees, and Indigenous Peoples

    Our interactive panel will represent voices from the field, their experiences, and challenges to re-build a healthier, more equitable, and peaceful world in a post COVID era in which the fundamental dignity of each person is realized. We will hear from individuals living in four of this year’s VNR countries: Colombia, Japan, Mexico, and Spain. They will present some of the challenges they face in achieving the promise held in the SDG’s to leave no one behind and reach the furthest behind. Additionally, they will offer best practices and offer suggestions for a sustainable way forward. ___________________________________________________ Nuestro panel interactivo representará voces del campo, sus experiencias y desafíos para reconstruir un mundo más saludable, equitativo y pacífico en una era post COVID en la que la dignidad fundamental de cada la persona se realiza. Escucharemos a personas que viven en cuatro de los países VNR de este año: Colombia, Japón,…

  • Holistic and Intersectional Approaches to Peace at the Heart of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in a Post-COVID Era

    This panel will explore vital interconnections between the SDGs in order to achieve SDG 16 (Peace Justice & Strong Institutions). Special attention will be given to the SDG1 (No Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 3 (Health & Wellbeing), SDG8 (Decent Work & Economic Growth), and SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) for the realization of peace in a post COVID-19 era. _______________________________________________ Este panel explorará las interconexiones vitales entre los ODS para lograr el ODS 16 (Justicia de paz y Instituciones Fuertes). Se prestará especial atención al ODS 1 (Fin de la pobreza), ODS 2 (Hambre cero), ODS 3 (Salud Y bienestar), ODS 8 (Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico) y ODS 10 (Reducción de las desigualdades) para la realización de paz en una era posterior al COVID-19. _______________________________________________ Ce panel explorera les interconnexions vitales entre les ODD afin d’atteindre l’ODD 16 (Peace Justice & Institutions fortes). Une attention particulière sera accordée…

  • Hearing Haiti - ENG

    Hearing Haiti

    Join JCoR in supporting a people-centered, rights-based, process of recovery and transformation   Hearing Haiti: An opportunity to listen to voices from Haiti – an important step toward supporting a people-centered, rights-based, Haitian-led process of recovery and transformation On 24 June 2021, representatives of UN Member States and JCoR’s member organizations and civil society partners were invited to hear the experiences and insights of Haitians and their allies within Haiti during this time of political and economic tensions and public health strain, which have combined to form an unprecedented, existential crisis in the country. Here, we share the testimony that was given during the hearing.      

  • Unraveling Child Labor in the Mining Industry in the Congo Basin

    A virtual side-event commemorating the World Day Against Child Labor and International Day of the African Child The NGO Mining Working Group (MWG) is a coalition of NGOs that advocate through the UN system for human and environmental rights as they relate to extractive industries. The MWG addresses unjust and unsustainable extractive practices and policies through the lens of Earth’s carrying capacity and the rights of local communities and indigenous peoples. This year, which the UN Secretary-General has declared the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour, the MWG has taken a particular interest in shining a light on child labor practices in the extractive industry. One epicenter of such practices is the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The DRC is the origin of over half the world’s cobalt, a mineral that is essential for the production of lithium-on batteries in electric cars, phones, and computers. These technological…

  • Serving Across the Digital Divide

    Serving Across the Digital Divide: Catholic Religious on the Role of Digital Technology in Social Inequalities

    As members of the Justice Coalition of Religious, which unites the voices of many United Nations-accredited organisations representing Catholic Sisters, Brothers, and priests, we have been working alongside “the furthest behind” toward sustainable development for centuries. From this vantage point, we have witnessed COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns widening pre-existing socio-economic inequalities to a veritable chasm. In this side event, we will learn from the experiences, perspectives, and visions of several Catholic women and men Religious who are dedicated to service of those on the disconnected side of our current digital divide. They will shine a light on the particular ways the digital divide has impacted the marginalised communities in which they live and minister. They will also offer their insights into what the first steps toward digitalization could look like in their communities and the role they are ready to play in that process. SPEAKERS: Sr. Lorraine Connell, SNDdeN,General Treasurer &…

  • orientation

    2020 Orientation for Religious NGOs’ Representatives to the United Nations

    October 2020 orientation offered by and for Catholic Religious NGOs’ representatives to the United Nations.   PART 1: Origins and Purpose of the UN System and its Sustainable Development Goals Presented by Beth Blissman, PhD, Co-Member and UN Representative of the Loretto Community   PART 2: Introduction to the UN Functional Commissions & Expert Bodies Presented by Teresa Kotturan, SCN, UN Representative of the Sisters of Charity Federation   PART 3: The Role of Religious NGOs in the UN System Presented by Teresa Blumenstein, New York Coordinator of the Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR)   PART 4: Modes of Networking, Communication, and Collaboration Presented by Durstyne Farnan, OP, UN Representative of the Dominican Leadership Conference & Teresa Blumenstein, New York Coordinator of the Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR)   PART 5: Spiritual History of the UN Presented by Anele Heiges, OP (Adrian), UN Representative of the International Public Policy Institute…

  • Faith Speaks to UN75

    Faith Speaks to UN75: an online conversation among faith and diplomatic leaders on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations

    An online discussion among faith & diplomatic leaders on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations: At a time of great disruptions in the world, the UN is marking its 75th anniversary. The COVID-19 global health crisis with severe economic and social impacts creates increased challenges for the UN. Faith-based organizations (FBOs) have a history of serving people and are among the first responders in times of global crisis including the ongoing COVID- 19 pandemic. Our communities and partners on the ground ensure that basic needs are met for all people, regardless of religion, in the communities in which we live and serve. We reach out communities that are often the most vulnerable and are left behind. Faith-based actors fill the service gaps usually without government assistance. FBOs continually engage in projects on the ground that specifically further the objectives of the UN Charter, implement the Sustainable…

  • UN75

    A Faith-Based Vision for the UN at 75 and Beyond

    On 15 September 2020, a team of non-governmental organizations who represent Catholic congregations of women and men Religious at the United Nations jointly launched a statement calling for key reforms to the UN System on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of its founding. The video below features comments on the statement from Azza Karam, Secretary-General of Religions for Peace International, and Joop Theunissen of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The statement discussed herein is available in: English   Spanish   French Recording of the launch conversation: