Come Learn with Us: Haiti Webinar

On 8 November 2023 JCoR hosted a webinar on Haiti featuring Nixon Boumba. The content of this educational session covered the historical context of Haiti and illuminated how it informs Haiti’s ongoing struggle to secure a just and peaceful democracy.

Nixon Boumba is a social justice activist who uses the human right framework to achieve social change in Haiti. For the last two decades, Boumba has devoted himself to being an organizer and a part of the student movement, the paysans movement, women and feminist movements, and the movement to access basic services in the slum areas particularly in Port-au-Prince. Since the earthquake, Boumba worked with mining organizers, the land rights and reform movement, the anti-corruption movement, and the movement around the mega-project in the country. For the last 6 years, Boumba has worked as a capacity-builder for the LGBTI movement. Boumba has a Bachelor’s in Sociology and is doing a Master’s degree in history at the state University in Haiti. For the last 6 years, he has worked as the Haiti country consultant for the American Jewish World Service. In 2017, he was a Senior Human Rights Fellow at the Schell Center for Human Rights at Yale Law School. 

As a follow up to this session, on 16 November 2023 JCoR also hosted an informal conversation and update with William O’Neill, the United Nations Independent Expert on the Human Rights Situation in Haiti.

Click here to view a recording of the webinar on our YouTube channel, and click on the following link to watch a recording of the informal conversation and update with Bill O’Neill.