• RUN Education Session: Turn Debt into Hope

    This educational presentation was led by Alfonso Apiccella of Caritas Internationalis for the representatives of Catholic Religious NGOs to the United Nations (RUN) in February 2025. For additional information on Caritas’s Turn Debt into Hope campaign, we invite you to visit the campaign website and the slides from this presentation.   

  • Flyer for JCoR's 2025 HLPF Programme

    2025 Programme for “Digital Delegates” of Religious NGOs to the HLPF on Sustainable Development

    Click on the following links to view the programme in English, Español, Português, and Français. Eligibility to Participate: Affiliation with a congregation of Catholic Sisters, Brothers, and priests, including Members of any congregation Lay co-members, associates, employees, mission partners of any congregation Members of any lay association that is affiliated with a congregation Significant personal experience in/of one of the countries whose government will present a progress report at the 2025 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), for example: currently lives or recently lived in the country is currently responsible for liaising with Religious in the country is currently responsible for supporting projects in the country Ability to read and converse in English, Spanish, and/or Portuguese Goals for participants: Build understanding of the role of the Religious voice in the UN system and global efforts toward just, sustainable development Establish or deepen understanding of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and…

  • Summit of the Future: an Education Session for & by Religious NGOs at the United Nations

    Join us for an education session on the upcoming Summit of the Future!   Date & Time: Tuesday, 17 September, from 10am to 11:30am (New York City Time)   Participate in person: Basement meeting room of the Salvation Army (221 E 52nd St, New York, NY 10022)   Participate virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuf-6urTsvG9dMtXwVI20vXcLRg5jhiBuM          Resource persons for this session will include: Sr. Beatriz Martinez Garcia, SSND (School Sisters of Notre Dame) Sr. Durstyne Farnan, OP (Dominican Leadership Conference) Sr. Jean Quinn, DW (UNANIMA International) Liana Almony (UNANIMA International) Fr. Rohan Dominic, CMF (Proclade Internazionale Onlus) Teresa Blumenstein (Justice Coalition of Religious)

  • Flyer for education session on fundraising and development

    Education Session: Fundraising & Development

    We are looking forward to your participation in the JCoR education session on Fundraising & Development on Thursday, 20 June, from 10:00am-12:45pm (New York time).   This education session is geared towards JCoRs growing interest in strengthening financial sustainability, but it is open to anyone in our community with an interest in learning more about the grant-seeking process. We will cover topics ranging from developing a fundraising strategy to building relationships with potential donors and essential elements of proposal pitches.   We encourage you to join us in-person at the JCoR office (7th floor of the Church Center, 777 United Nations Plaza) for this session. For those who may be unable to join us in-person, we are also offering the option to attend via Zoom.   Click here to access the presentation slides.

  • Tech Tutorial: Google Workspace, Part II

    This session will be a follow-up to our previous tutorial on Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms. Rather than repeating that content, anyone interested in improving their skills in Google Docs or Sheets is asked to review the recording of our earlier tutorial and to come to this session with specific questions or difficulties. Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScgjyI-uE7SYr4PEiWLXDOhCTyjIAWVw2ot_IuwXeWm-CsbBw/viewform?usp=sf_link  

  • Flyer for JCoR tech tutorial on ClipChamp

    Tech Tutorial: ClipChamp

    This session will offer a basic introduction to ClipChamp, the standard, video-editing program from Microsoft that is available for free download on PCs. It will include removing unwanted segments of a video recording; adding words or graphics as a title, ending, or as transitions between segments of a video. If participants are interested, we can also address how to add subtitles to a video. Register here: https://forms.gle/JPotf5nhKqTaUmPU6                        

  • Flyer for JCoR tech tutorial on YouTube

    Tech Tutorial: YouTube

    This session will offer a basic introduction to the YouTube platform, including how to create your own channel, how to upload videos to your channel, how to perform minor edits to your videos after uploading them to YouTube, how to organize videos into playlists, how to automatically invite those who have viewed one of your videos to subscribe to your channel or to view another of your videos, and he essential steps to adding video content directly to a page on your website Register here: https://forms.gle/MXr4fodoGfeHHiaUA            

  • CSW68 Welcome Gathering for Delegates of Religious NGOs

    JCoR is offering an online welcome gathering for CSW68. This event will be held for delegates of Religious NGOs who intend to participate in some part of the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), and it will take place on Friday, 8 March 2024, from 10:00AM-11:30AM (New York time). The gathering will provide an opportunity to meet other delegates, to pray and reflect on hopes and intentions for engagement with the CSW process, and to ask questions about how to participate and follow the proceedings online. Interpretation will be provided in English, French, and Spanish Register to join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtd-2oqjwuHdJ_oEVPj-4aZwvkX9zdicg6   Additional CSW68 Resources:  – JCoR’s guide to CSW68 – Curated list of CSW68 events recommended by the JCoR and our community at the United Nations in New York – JCoR’s CSW68 joint statement – List of CSW68 statements submitted by members of JCoR  …

  • Let’s Talk Mental Health: Tending to our mental health as advocacy practitioners

    On Monday, 19 February 2024, from 12:00pm-1:30pm (New York time) JCoR hosted special guest Bekah Sears, who led us in an education session titled, Let’s Talk Mental Health: Tending to our mental health as advocacy practitioners. This webinar approached the topic of mental health with a faith perspective. It aimed to increase awareness of the mental health impacts of working in the advocacy sector, address the question of how to recognize our current state of mental health, and provide strategies for responding to our mental health needs. View the event flyer here. Click on the following links to access the presentation slides, a recording of this event, and a list of additional resources.   Rebekah (Bekah) Sears has spent her career, thus far, in the non-profit sector, working for justice and helping to amplify the voices of people experiencing marginalization and oppression. She is both passionate about serving others and…

  • CSocD62 Welcome Gathering for Delegates of Religious NGOs

    JCoR is offering an online welcome gathering for CSocD62. This event will be held for delegates of Religious NGOs who intend to participate in some part of CSocD, and it will take place on Friday, 2 February 2024, from 8:00AM-9:00AM (New York time). The gathering will provide an opportunity to meet other delegates, to pray and reflect on hopes and intentions for engagement with the CSocD process, and to ask questions about how to participate and follow online. Click here to view the prayer and presentation from the Welcome Gathering              

  • 2024 Programme for “Digital Delegates” of Religious NGOs to the HLPF on Sustainable Development

    Click on the following links to view the programme in English, Español, and Portuguese. Participants: Religious Sisters, Brothers, priests, associates, and partners in mission who are based in, or have significant personal experience in, countries who will present VNR reports to the 2024 HLPF Goals for participants: Build understanding of the role of the Religious voice in the UN system and global efforts toward just, sustainable development Establish or deepen understanding of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the related High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) on progress toward achieving them Get support from UN representatives of Religious NGOs toward participation in your national and global conversations on SDG progress Meet and learn from other women and men Religious and their partners who are seeking to implement and monitor SDGs in your region and other parts of the world Format: Series of…

  • Come Learn with Us: Haiti Webinar

    On 8 November 2023 JCoR hosted a webinar on Haiti featuring Nixon Boumba. The content of this educational session covered the historical context of Haiti and illuminated how it informs Haiti’s ongoing struggle to secure a just and peaceful democracy. Nixon Boumba is a social justice activist who uses the human right framework to achieve social change in Haiti. For the last two decades, Boumba has devoted himself to being an organizer and a part of the student movement, the paysans movement, women and feminist movements, and the movement to access basic services in the slum areas particularly in Port-au-Prince. Since the earthquake, Boumba worked with mining organizers, the land rights and reform movement, the anti-corruption movement, and the movement around the mega-project in the country. For the last 6 years, Boumba has worked as a capacity-builder for the LGBTI movement. Boumba has a Bachelor’s in Sociology and is doing a Master’s degree in history at the state University in…

  • Tech Tutorial: Google Workspace

    Join JCoR for a virtual tutorial on Google Workspace! We will offer a tour of the basic mechanics of Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms, and how you can utilize these three excellent tools for collaborative work like ours!  (Please register here even if you will participate in person)                 

  • Tech Tutorial: Zoom Meeting Hosting

    Join JCoR for a Zoom meeting hosting tutorial! We will focus on some of the finer points of hosting, including making custom registration forms, using the poll and survey features, adjusting security settings, recording, and managing interpretation channels. (Please register here even if you will participate in person)          

  • Visit JCoR’s Exhibit Booth at the NGO CSW67 Forum

    JCoR is sponsoring a virtual exhibit booth at the NGO CSW67 Forum. It is a dedicated webpage on the NGO CSW Forum platform, which serves as a central hub where you can access: Information and links to all our CSW-related events, activities, and programs, including: Parallel events and panel discussions facilitated by our member organizations Calendar of events that will stream live from our exhibition booth and opportunities for you to participate too! Resources and publications created by our member organizations More information about our coalition and its advocacy initiatives Click here to visit the JCoR CSW67 exhibit booth!      Click on the following link to view a YouTube playlist made up of the recordings of all of JCoR’s CSW events    Featured JCoR events from the exhibit booth calendar include:  JCoR Welcome Gathering for Delegates of Religious NGOs 4 March 2023, 9:00am-10:30am (New York time) JCoR is offering…

  • CSW67 Welcome Gathering for Delegates of Religious NGOs

    JCoR is offering an online welcome gathering for CSW67. This event will be held for delegates of Religious NGOs who intend to participate in some part of the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67), and it will take place on 4 March 2023, from 9:00am to 10:30am (New York time) in English, Spanish, and French. The gathering will provide an opportunity to meet other delegates, to pray and reflect on hopes and intentions for engagement with the CSW process, and to ask questions about how to participate and follow online. Resources: Daily Reflection Questions Crafting Your Message for CSW67 (and beyond) Setting Your Intention for CSW67 El JCoR ofrece una reunión de bienvenida en línea para la CSW67. Este evento se celebrará para los delegados de las ONG religiosas que tengan la intención de participar en alguna parte de la 67ª Sesión de la Comisión de…

  • CSocD61 Welcome Gathering for Delegates of Religious NGOs

    JCoR is offering an online welcome gathering for CSocD61. This event will be held for delegates of Religious NGOs who intend to participate in some part of CSocD, and it will take place on 6 February 2023, from 8:00 to 9:30 (New York time) in English, Spanish, and French. The gathering will provide an opportunity to meet other delegates, to pray and reflect on hopes and intentions for engagement with the CSocD process, and to ask questions about how to participate and follow online. Register here: https://bit.ly/3jrfBv8 El JCoR ofrecerá una reunión de bienvenida en línea para el CSocD61. Este evento se celebrará para los delegados de las ONG religiosas que tengan la intención de participar en alguna parte de la CSocD, y tendrá lugar el 6 de febrero de 2023, de 8:00 a 9:30 (hora de Nueva York) en inglés, español y francés. La reunión brindará la oportunidad de…

  • Programme for Religious NGO Digital Delegates to the HLPF

    Click on the following links to view the programme in English, Français, and Español Participants: Religious Sisters, Brothers, priests, associates, and partners in mission who are based in, or have significant personal experience in, countries who will present VNR reports to the 2023 HLPF Goals for participants: Build understanding of the role of the Religious voice in the UN system and global efforts toward just, sustainable development Establish or deepen understanding of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the related High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) on progress toward achieving them Get support from UN representatives of Religious NGOs toward participation in your national and global conversations on SDG progress Meet and learn from other women and men Religious and their partners who are seeking to implement and monitor SDGs in your region and other parts of the world Format: Series of…

  • Welcome Gathering for Delegates to the 21st UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

    The Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR) invites their delegates who will be participating in some portion of the 21st UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (PFII21) to attend this welcome gathering where we can meet one another, share our connections to the themes of PFII21 , and to enter into the conference with a prayerful reflection. We will meet on 26 April 2022 at 8:30am (New York time). Interpretation between English, Spanish, and Portuguese will be available. REGISTER NOW to attend this event. The Coalición de las Religiosas y los Religiosos por la Justicia (JCoR) invita a sus delegados que participarán en alguna parte del 21º Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas de la ONU (PFII21) a asistir a esta reunión de bienvenida donde podremos conocernos, compartir nuestras conexiones con los temas del PFII21, y entrar en la conferencia con una reflexión en oración. Nos reuniremos el 26 de abril de…

  • Advocacy via Social Media for Religious NGOs at the UN (Part II)

    Please see the flyer (above) for details on JCoR’s upcoming social media training for religious NGOs at the UN. This informal webinar was held on Thursday, 7 April 2022. This training was the second segment in a two-part series: (1) Our first session focused on tips and tricks to help you make the most effective use of your time on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. It also highlighted mechanisms JCoR has put in place in order to assist you in amplifying our work via social media.  (2) The second session explored ways in which we can think more strategically about time management and how we are choosing to utilize social media in our advocacy efforts, including incorporating storytelling.  A basic understanding of Facebook and Twitter is highly recommended in order for participants to benefit from the learnings shared during these social media webinars. A recording of this session…

  • JCoR’s 2022 HLPF Delegation Programme

    The governing member NGOs of the Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR) invite their delegates who will be participating in some portion of the 2022 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) to participate in a series of joint orientation sessions and preparatory projects designed for Religious Sisters, Brothers, priests, Associates, and partners in mission.   2022 HLPF Delegation Programme (with registration links) *Please register separately for each session you will attend live.* Session 1: Flyer Resources Recording Session 2: Flyer Resources Recording Session 3: Recording Las ONGs miembros de la Coalición por la Justicia de los Religiosos (JCoR) invitan a sus delegados que participarán en alguna parte del Foro Político de Alto Nivel sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible (HLPF) de 2022 a participar en una serie de sesiones conjuntas de orientación y proyectos preparatorios diseñados para Hermanas, Hermanos, Sacerdotes, Asociados y Socios en Misión. Programa de la Delegación del HLPF 2022…

  • 2022 UN Orientation for Representatives of Religious NGOs

    January 2022 orientation offered by and for Catholic Religious NGOs’ representatives to the United Nations.   Part 1: Introduction to the Functional Commissions of the UN Economic & Social Council Presented by: Teresa Kotturan, SCN, UN Representative of the Sisters of Charity Federation   Part 2: Introduction to the Commission on Social Development Presented by: Veronica Brand, RSHM, UN Representative of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary   Part 3: Introduction to the Commission on the Status of Women Presented by: Beth Blissman, PhD, Co-Member & UN Representative of the Loretto Community   Part 4: Introduction to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Presented by: Daniel LeBlanc, OMI, UN Representative of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate   Parts 5-14: Playlist of Introduction to NGO Committees and Working Groups Active at UN Headquarters      

  • Social Media Workshop (Part 1)

    Advocacy via Social Media for Religious NGOs at the UN (Part I)

    Please see the flyer (above) for details on JCoR’s social media training for religious NGOs at the UN. This informal webinar was held on Tuesday, 18 January 2022.    This training was the first in a two-part series:   (1) Our first session focused on tips and tricks to help you make the most effective use of your time on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. It also highlighted mechanisms JCoR has put in place in order to assist you in amplifying our work via social media.  (2) The second session explored ways in which we can think more strategically about how we are choosing to utilize social media in our advocacy efforts, including incorporating storytelling.   A basic understanding of Facebook and Twitter is highly recommended in order for participants to benefit from the learnings shared during these social media webinars.     Click below to view a…

  • 2021 Orientation for Religious NGOs’ Representatives to the UN

    November 2021 orientation offered by and for Catholic Religious NGOs’ representatives to the United Nations.   Part 1: Origins & Purpose of the UN System and its Sustainable Development Goals Presented by: Beth Blissman, PhD, Co-Member and UN Representative of the Loretto Community (Sisters & Co-Members of Loretto)   Part 2: Role of Religious NGOs at the UN Presented by: Teresa Blumenstein, New York Coordinator of the Justice Coalition of Religious   Part 3: Experiential Wisdom: Homelessness Advocacy at the UN Presented by: Jean Quinn, DW, Executive Director of UNANIMA International   Part 4: Earth Advocacy at the UN Presented by: Kevin Cawley, CFC, UN Representative of Edmund Rice International    

  • orientation

    2020 Orientation for Religious NGOs’ Representatives to the United Nations

    October 2020 orientation offered by and for Catholic Religious NGOs’ representatives to the United Nations.   PART 1: Origins and Purpose of the UN System and its Sustainable Development Goals Presented by Beth Blissman, PhD, Co-Member and UN Representative of the Loretto Community   PART 2: Introduction to the UN Functional Commissions & Expert Bodies Presented by Teresa Kotturan, SCN, UN Representative of the Sisters of Charity Federation   PART 3: The Role of Religious NGOs in the UN System Presented by Teresa Blumenstein, New York Coordinator of the Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR)   PART 4: Modes of Networking, Communication, and Collaboration Presented by Durstyne Farnan, OP, UN Representative of the Dominican Leadership Conference & Teresa Blumenstein, New York Coordinator of the Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR)   PART 5: Spiritual History of the UN Presented by Anele Heiges, OP (Adrian), UN Representative of the International Public Policy Institute…