Joint Action for Sustainable Development: Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (February 2020)

22-27 February 2020

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe


12 women and men Religious from the following congregations:

  • Congregation of Jesus (CJ)
  • Dominican Sisters (OP)
  • Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary-Loreto Generalate (IBVM)
  • Medical Mission Sisters (MMS)
  • Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI)
  • Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur (SND)
  • Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (PBVM)


Introduction to JCoR    (view webinar version)

Introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals and the African Union Agenda 2063

Introduction to the 6th Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD6)

Official ARFSD6 Meeting Programme

Official ARFSD6 Concept Note

Official ARFSD6 background report on scaling up innovative means of implementation for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063

Official summary report on Africa’s progress on the Sustainable Development Goals

Official ARFSD6 draft summary of and key messages:   ENGLISH    FRANÇAIS

Materials from the Caritas Africa side event: Partnering with Faith-Based Organizations to Achieve Sustainable Development in Africa

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