UNGA79: Recommended Events

The following is a curated list of side events and parallel events, throughout the opening of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79, that are recommended by JCoR and our Religious community at the United Nations in New York. Please check back as this page will continue to be updated as UNGA79 approaches.


Summit of the Future: an Education Session for and by Catholic Religious NGOs at the United Nations
17 September 2024, 10:30AM (New York time)

Hybrid event held via Zoom and in-person in the Basement meeting room of the Salvation Army (221 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10022)
Sponsor: Justice Coalition of Religious

Register to attend via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuf-6urTsvG9dMtXwVI20vXcLRg5jhiBuM

Faith-based Solutions for the Pact for the Future and Beyond
20 September 2024, 9:30AM (New York time)

Virtual event held via Zoom
Background: The ImPACT Coalition on Faith-based Solutions was launched during the Civil Society Conference at the UN Office in Nairobi on 10 May 2024. This coalition comprises faith and spiritual actors, including young people, advocating for the inclusion of faith-based language and common values across faiths in UN documents. Emphasizing universal principles such as peace, compassion, and human dignity, the coalition upholds human rights, human dignity, and human security. Core values include solidarity, trust, cooperation, compassion, transparency, humility, justice, and inclusivity.
Though the Rev 2 text of the Pact for the Future includes mentions which did not appear in Rev 1 regarding religion, in Chapters 1, 2, and 4. Regrettably, the references implicate that religions are a problem and not the solution.
As the text mentions, interreligious dialogue can strengthen social cohesion and contribute to sustainable development, but even further, interreligious dialogue in fact has the potential to contribute to peace as religion is often used as a catalyst for conflict. Additionally, faith actors are key partners for reaching the unreachable and for achieving sustainable development. Their engagement has had considerable impact at local, regional, and national levels. There should be a deliberate consideration of their inclusion in international policy discussions.
About the side event: Faith actors, with their deep-rooted presence in communities and commitment to universal values of peace, compassion, and human dignity, are uniquely positioned to contribute to finding solutions to global challenges. This event will present case studies and good practices by the UN system and civil society in engaging with faith leaders and actors. Panelists will share insights, experiences, and actionable strategies for achieving sustainable development and peace, and to advocate for the inclusion of faith language in UN processes.

Register to attend via Zoom: https://churchofjesuschrist.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NcvHsBIBSjKwp_VSJOPdFg#/registration

Interfaith Youth Reponses to the Century’s Biggest Challenges: Faith-Based Contributions to the Summit of the Future
20 September 2024, 2:30PM-4:00PM (New York time)

In-person event held at the 11th floor conference room of the Church Center of the United Nations (777 United Nations Plaza, New York City)
Sponsors: Religions for Peace, Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Faith for Earth Coalition, Permanent Mission of The Gambia to the United Nations, Permanent Mission of Uzbekistan to the United Nations
Join Jamil Ahmad (Intergovernmental Director, UNEP New York); Bhikku Vasu Bhandu (Co-chair of the Faith for Earth Youth Council and Member of the Religions for Peace International Youth Committee) and Hannah Block (Advisor, Faith for Earth Youth Council) in this discussion on the crucial role of youth, inspired by faith and core values, as agents and catalysts for addressing global crises and building communities of the future.

Register to attend in-person: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScoDuTtupnOkH7_yo5FgbiVuJSAVV6dles1_vIofyNtnj6GAw/viewform

Summit of the Future side event on migration for the futureMigration for the Future: Multi-stakeholder perspectives on the future of human mobility, international cooperation, and sustainable development
21 September 2024, 9:00AM-10:30AM (New York time)

In-person event held at the 8th floor conference room of the Church Center of the United Nations (777 United Nations Plaza, New York City)
Sponsors: UNANIMA International, NGO Committee on Migration, Mercy International Association, The Lutheran World Federation, Civil Society Action Committee, Center for Migration Gender and Justice,  International Detention Coalition, and Migration Youth and Children Platform
Join this official side event at the upcoming Action Days of the Summit for the Future for a conversation about migration and human mobility considerations in the Pact, the Summit, and for the future of international cooperation and human rights. 
Flyer: View the flyer in English

Register to attend in-person: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeM0bvQN34VV_wzQd_23xqjd23bkqDbbh-EF8wbIUObjzOsxQ/viewform

Flyer for FfD side event during the Summit of the FutureFostering Economic and Collective Resilience in a Fractured Global Financial Landscape: Solutions for a path forward
21 September 2024, 11:30AM-1:00PM (New York time)

Hybrid event held via Zoom and in-person at 10th floor conference room of the Church Center of the United Nations (777 United Nations Plaza, New York City)
Organizer: NGO Committee on Financing for Development
Co-Sponsors: Permanent Mission of Mexico, International Labour Organization, Together 2030, Conference of NGOs in Consultation Relationship with the UN (CONGO)
In preparation for the 4th International Financing for Development conference, the goal of this session is to share policies, best practices, and solutions that individual countries and international organizations are proposing/implementing to mitigate the impacts of the fractured global financial system on developing markets and particularly on their most vulnerable citizens – women, youth, children, indigenous, disabled, LGBTQI, refugee, ethnic minority, migrant, and economically impoverished – and for a path forward for economic and collective resilience.
Flyer: View the flyer in English
Concept note: Read the concept note in English

Register to attend in-person: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RHgAXORxx_JCmrvBpp_XHsXhUjpsuA4-V6eRd-ypDbA/viewform?edit_requested=true

Register to attend via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZElce-hrD8iGtKpcqnANVqqhh2pWd3ElHMp#/registration

Global People’s Assembly: Strategy Meeting Toward the World Social Summit
23 September 2024, 11:00AM-12:30PM (New York time)

In-person event held at the Church Center of the United Nations (777 United Nations Plaza, New York City)
Sponsors: NGO Committee on Social Development (including many JCoR member NGOs); Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors; Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent;  Major Group for Children and Youth; Stakeholder Group on Ageing; Global Policy Forum; Global Initiative for Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights; Christian Blind Mission; Gray Panthers; and ATD Fourth World
Join us for a civil society-led strategic planning session towards the second World Summit for Social Development, set to take place in November 2025.
Flyer: View the flyer in English

Register to attend in-person: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/global-peoples-assembly-2024-tickets-1000018461137?aff=oddtdtcreator

Consultation at the Summit of the Future “Reflections on the Interreligious Imperative for the Pact for the Future and the Multilateralism Based on Human Fraternity”
23 September 2024, 2:00PM-5:30PM (New York time)

Hybrid event held via Zoom and in-person (8th floor conference room at the Church Center of the United Nations – 777 United Nations Plaza, New York City)
Sponsors: Alianza Interreligiosa, Asia Pacific Faith-Based Coalition, and Africa Interfaith Initiative on SDGs
Join the Faith for Earth Coalition in participating in this discussion on ethical considerations in the Pact for the Future and on Intergenerational dialogue and cooperation from an interfaith perspective.

Register to attend in-person: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSetvX3FFfnumO7K9R6G9bWXTP4W89ZdkQsaTEjlACX5Ew90RA/viewform

Register to attend via Zoom: https://religionsforpeace.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NafW0gyZQjWNaGuHNSCFvQ#/registration

Flyer for building global momentum parallel event at UNGA79Building global momentum for a sustainable and equitable future
25 September 2024, 11:00AM-12:30PM (New York time)

Hybrid event held via Zoom and in-person (Bahá’í International Community Offices – 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 120, New York, NY)
Sponsors: International Presentation Association, Soroptimist International, NGO/CSW NY, Sikh Human Rights Group, and Bahá’í International Community
Please join us in this side event where experts and advocates on Environment, Financing for Development and Social Justice help us explore new perspectives on an old problem: how to transform the system to ensure that human well-being, equal rights and the health of the planet are at its center.
Concept note: View the concept note in English
Flyer: View the flyer in English

Register to attend via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUoc–grDkjHNQ27h5sKyStJw_e9ZEXAtHq#/registration