JCoR Workshop for Religious in Zambia (November/December 2022)

Registration is now open for a JCoR workshop in Zambia! All Catholic Religious (women and men) and their partners in mission who are currently in ministry in Zambia are invited to participate in a workshop from 28 November through 2 December in Lusaka, Zambia. Click here, or on the workshop flyer (below) to see the invitation and full registration instructions. Please share it with your networks. We hope to see you in Lusaka!












Workshop Content

Click on the following links to access the presentations and resource materials that were shared with participants at the workshop.

Environmental Issues & Justice in Zambia

Implementation of SDGs in Zambia and Progress Towards Achievement

Intro to Advocacy-Foundation, Types, and Tactics

Intro to Spiritual Leadership in the UN System

Intro to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Laudato Si as a Framework for Christian Response to Environmental Injustice

Legal & other Frameworks for Environmental Protection in Zambia

Social Justice as Ministry

Steps of an Advocacy Campaign

Timeline for Input into UN Processes

JCoR Network-Zambia Action Plan


Workshop Photos:

Photos of actions and initiatives which emerged from participation in the workshop, including tree planting, environmental education sessions, and cleaning up local markets: