• Flyer for JCoR's SDG Lab

    JCoR SDG Lab at the 2024 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

    The annual High Level Political Forum (HLPF) will take place from 8-17 July this year. It functions as the central United Nations platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each year, the forum focuses on a select few SDGs, and government leaders voluntarily report on their national progress toward achievement of these SDGs. The SDGs of focus this year are 1, 2, 13, 16, and 17. In addition to reports from governments, the HLPF also includes events sponsored by civil society groups, to highlight their perspectives on implementation and progress toward the SDGs in their respective countries. JCoR will join the conversation by offering a series of virtual discussion, which we are calling the “JCoR SDG Lab.” This series will showcase Catholic Religious and their partners’ perspectives on progress and good practices towards sustainable development. It will run from 22-26 July…

  • CSW68 Welcome Gathering for Delegates of Religious NGOs

    JCoR is offering an online welcome gathering for CSW68. This event will be held for delegates of Religious NGOs who intend to participate in some part of the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), and it will take place on Friday, 8 March 2024, from 10:00AM-11:30AM (New York time). The gathering will provide an opportunity to meet other delegates, to pray and reflect on hopes and intentions for engagement with the CSW process, and to ask questions about how to participate and follow the proceedings online. Interpretation will be provided in English, French, and Spanish Register to join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtd-2oqjwuHdJ_oEVPj-4aZwvkX9zdicg6   Additional CSW68 Resources:  – JCoR’s guide to CSW68 – Curated list of CSW68 events recommended by the JCoR and our community at the United Nations in New York – JCoR’s CSW68 joint statement – List of CSW68 statements submitted by members of JCoR  …

  • CSocD62 Welcome Gathering for Delegates of Religious NGOs

    JCoR is offering an online welcome gathering for CSocD62. This event will be held for delegates of Religious NGOs who intend to participate in some part of CSocD, and it will take place on Friday, 2 February 2024, from 8:00AM-9:00AM (New York time). The gathering will provide an opportunity to meet other delegates, to pray and reflect on hopes and intentions for engagement with the CSocD process, and to ask questions about how to participate and follow online. Click here to view the prayer and presentation from the Welcome Gathering              

  • January Global Community Hour: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

    Click here to access the prayer from our January Global Community Hour   We are pleased to invite you to JCoR’s Global Community Hour on Friday, 12 January 2024, from 7:00-8:00am (Guatemala City, Mexico City) / 8:00-9:00am (New York, Bogotá, Havana, Lima) / 10:00-11:00am (Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires) / 3:00-4:00pm (Central Africa time) / 6:30-7:30pm (India Standard time). This meeting is part of a series of monthly online gatherings for Religious from around the globe to come together in prayer for our world and to shine a light on the most pressing justice issues emerging in your respective nations and regions. In preparation for this year’s High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), we are beginning a series of gatherings focused on HLPF review themes, starting with SDG 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere. Therefore, we are especially inviting individuals to share their experience and concerns about…

  • 2024 Programme for “Digital Delegates” of Religious NGOs to the HLPF on Sustainable Development

    Click on the following links to view the programme in English, Español, and Portuguese. Participants: Religious Sisters, Brothers, priests, associates, and partners in mission who are based in, or have significant personal experience in, countries who will present VNR reports to the 2024 HLPF Goals for participants: Build understanding of the role of the Religious voice in the UN system and global efforts toward just, sustainable development Establish or deepen understanding of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the related High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) on progress toward achieving them Get support from UN representatives of Religious NGOs toward participation in your national and global conversations on SDG progress Meet and learn from other women and men Religious and their partners who are seeking to implement and monitor SDGs in your region and other parts of the world Format: Series of…

  • September Global Community Hour: Social policies and social justice to eradicate poverty

    Click here to access the prayer slides from the September Global Community Hour Click on the following links to access the prayer text in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.    We are pleased to invite you to JCoR’s Global Community Hour on Friday, 8 September 2023, from 8:00-9:00am (Central time, Central America) / 9:00-10:00am (New York time) / 3:00-4:00pm (Central Africa time) / 6:30-7:30pm (India Standard time). This meeting is part of a series of monthly online gatherings for Religious from around the globe to come together in prayer for our world and to shine a light on the most pressing justice issues emerging in your respective nations and regions. This month, JCoR will begin drafting our collective statement for the annual Commission for Social Development (CSocD). The theme for the 2024 session of CSocD is “Fostering social development and social justice through social policies to accelerate progress on the implementation…

  • JCoR Virtual Meeting for All Sub-Regions of Latin America and the Caribbean

    To transition from a year full of workshops throughout many sub-regions of Latin America (Andean-Amazonian, Caribbean, Southern Cone, and Mesoamerica), JCoR convened a virtual meeting for the whole continent at the beginning of December 2022. This gathering featured an exchange of updates on work undertaken in each sub-region towards campaigns themes that were selected during the year’s previously-held workshops. JCoR’s leaders in Latin America also shared a series of short videos highlighting key issues of justice currently concerning the region (deforestation, extreme poverty, inflation, migration). These four sub-regions will continue to communicate and organise around their selected areas of concern in 2023.  Como transición de un año lleno de talleres a lo largo de muchas subregiones de América Latina (Andino-Amazónica, Caribe, Cono Sur y Mesoamérica), el JCoR convocó una reunión virtual para todo el continente a principios de diciembre de 2022. En esta reunión se intercambiaron actualizaciones sobre el trabajo realizado en…

  • Zimbabwe workshop #3

    Zimbabwe HLPF Workshop: Sessions #1, #2, and #3

    JCoR offered a three-session online workshop as a way of introduction to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and VNR process in a year when the government of Zimbabwe reported for the second time. The workshop series: offered essential background information on the SDG monitoring and review process,  accompanied participants in reflection on and articulating a response to the SDG progress reports that have been produced by their government and national civil society networks, and facilitated a post-HLPF discussion about how they/their congregations might become more engaged with SDG monitoring between now and future HLPFs. For additional information, please see the workshop flyer and program here.   Session #1: Resources Intro to HLPF, VNRs, and Civil Society Networks Role of Religious at the UN   Session #2: Resources HLPF Reflection Guide   Session #3:      

  • Dignity at heart of SDGs

    Dignity at the heart of the SDGs in a Post-COVID Era: Listening to Youth, Older Persons, Refugees, and Indigenous Peoples

    Our interactive panel will represent voices from the field, their experiences, and challenges to re-build a healthier, more equitable, and peaceful world in a post COVID era in which the fundamental dignity of each person is realized. We will hear from individuals living in four of this year’s VNR countries: Colombia, Japan, Mexico, and Spain. They will present some of the challenges they face in achieving the promise held in the SDG’s to leave no one behind and reach the furthest behind. Additionally, they will offer best practices and offer suggestions for a sustainable way forward. ___________________________________________________ Nuestro panel interactivo representará voces del campo, sus experiencias y desafíos para reconstruir un mundo más saludable, equitativo y pacífico en una era post COVID en la que la dignidad fundamental de cada la persona se realiza. Escucharemos a personas que viven en cuatro de los países VNR de este año: Colombia, Japón,…

  • Holistic and Intersectional Approaches to Peace at the Heart of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in a Post-COVID Era

    This panel will explore vital interconnections between the SDGs in order to achieve SDG 16 (Peace Justice & Strong Institutions). Special attention will be given to the SDG1 (No Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 3 (Health & Wellbeing), SDG8 (Decent Work & Economic Growth), and SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) for the realization of peace in a post COVID-19 era. _______________________________________________ Este panel explorará las interconexiones vitales entre los ODS para lograr el ODS 16 (Justicia de paz y Instituciones Fuertes). Se prestará especial atención al ODS 1 (Fin de la pobreza), ODS 2 (Hambre cero), ODS 3 (Salud Y bienestar), ODS 8 (Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico) y ODS 10 (Reducción de las desigualdades) para la realización de paz en una era posterior al COVID-19. _______________________________________________ Ce panel explorera les interconnexions vitales entre les ODD afin d’atteindre l’ODD 16 (Peace Justice & Institutions fortes). Une attention particulière sera accordée…