JCoR Workshop for Religious in the Antilles (April 2025)

The Justice Coalition of Religious’ Network of Latin America and the Caribbean invites Catholic women and men Religious as well as their lay associates and partners who are in ministry in the Antilles to participate in a JCoR Workshop, which will be held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago from 4 to 7 April 2025.


This workshop aims to promote political formation, participation in public bodies, and advocacy for the justice in the social, economic, and environmental structures of society.  Participants will engage in dialogue to unravel the mystical, prophetic dimension of Religious Life and our shared Mission to respond to the cries of the Earth and of those who are suffering from poverty, exclusion, oppression, or violence. They will also be invited to join a global community of advocates who are working together to address the root causes of inequality, violent conflict, and environmental destruction. The program will make visible and empower in a special way, the perspectives of women, lay people, and young people.


Complete and submit the registration form in order to express your interest in attending this program in person and your commitment to participating in the full 4 days of the program if you are selected for in-person participation. Due to space limitations, we cannot guarantee the in-person participation of every person who expresses interest in this program.