CSW69: Recommended Events

The following is a curated list of side and parallel events, coinciding with 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69), that are recommended by JCoR and our Religious community at the United Nations in New York. Please check back as this page will continue to be updated as CSW69 approaches.


JCoR’s CSW69 Welcome Gathering for Delegates of Religious NGOs
7 March 2025, 8:00am-9:30am (New York time)

Virtual event (held via Zoom)
Sponsors: Justice Coalition of Religious
Description: JCoR is offering an online welcome gathering for CSW69. This event will be held for delegates of Religious NGOs who intend to participate in some part of the 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69). The gathering will provide an opportunity to meet other delegates, to pray and reflect on hopes and intentions for engagement with the CSW process, and to ask questions about how to participate and follow online.
*Interpretation will be provided in English, French, and Spanish

Register via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/HMHFMpg0QGabrmx-iNvSVQ

Please click on the following link to access a calendar of girls and youth events throughout CSW69 

10-21 March 2025 

CSW69 Girls & Youth Events Calendar

Beijing Declaration: Its challenges and contributions to realization of the SDGs
10 March 2025, 8:30am-10:00am (New York time)

In-Person (8th floor conference room of the CCUN) and virtual event (held via Zoom)
Sponsors: Dominican Leadership Conference, Medical Mission Sisters, Society of the Sacred Heart, and the School Sisters of Notre Dame
Description: JCoR is offering an online welcome gathering for CSW69. This event will be held for delegates of Religious NGOs who intend to participate in some part of the 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69). The gathering will provide an opportunity to meet other delegates, to pray and reflect on hopes and intentions for engagement with the CSW process, and to ask questions about how to participate and follow online.
*Interpretation will be provided in English, French, and Spanish
Flyer: Click on the following links to access the flyer and speaker bios in English

Join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83646321756?pwd=o5efE8eR2km9QjxOSaW5Q7Yh1b2IIC.1

Bankrupting the Business of Human Trafficking – Beijing +30
10 March 2025, 1:30pm-2:45pm (New York time)

In-Person (Permanent Mission of Uganda, 336 East 45th St, New York, 10017) and virtual event (via livestream)
Sponsors: Company of the Daughters of Charity, NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons, Carmelite NGO, Congregation of our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, International Organization for Migration, Permanent Mission of Malta to the United Nations, Permanent Mission of Uganda to the United Nations, Salvation Army, Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association, League of Women Voters, Soroptimist International, Zonta International, Africa Development Interchange Network, International Council of Jewish Women, and more
Description: Despite dramatic efforts by the United Nations, governments, businesses and civil society to increase awareness, strengthen laws, allocate additional resources, implement new programs, augment cooperation and expand internal and external cooperation, profits from human trafficking worldwide have increased 157% since 2014. This event will discuss recent methods developed to most effectively end human trafficking.
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English

Beijing+30 Girls Perspective: How far have we come? 
11 March 2025, 10:30am (New York time)

In-Person (Salvation Army Auditorium, 221 E 52nd St, New York)
Sponsors: The Grail, United for Equity and Ending Racism
Description: This girls-led event is a journey through the achievements, challenges, and future of gender equality from the perspective of girls. Join in and be a part of this meaningful conversation.
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English
Questions: For more information, please contact thegrail.glunn@gmail.com

Beijing Platform for Action: Women and Church Action for Gender Equity
11 March 2025, 12:30pm-2:00pm (New York time)

In-Person (11th floor conference room, Church Center to the United Nations, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017) 
Sponsors: Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Loreto Generalate, VIVAT International, Medical Mission Sisters, Maryknoll Sisters, Society of the Sacred Heart, and the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
Description: This session will celebrate the radical, creative, and transformative contributions of women of faith in advancing gender equity within their communities and beyond. We invite all who share this commitment to join us in dialogue and action.
Concept note: Click on the following link to access the concept note in English
Flyer: Click on the following ink to access the flyer in English

Accessing Economic and Civil Power: Women in the Global South
11 March 2025, 4:00pm-5:45pm (New York time)

In-Person (St. Jude’s Parish, 439 W 204th St, New York 10034) and virtual (held via Zoom)
Sponsors: Loretto at the UN, Mary’s Pence, and Altagracia: Faith and Justice Works
Description: This intergenerational collaboration between Mary’s Pence, Loretto at the UN, generously hosted by Altagracia: Faith & Justice Works in the Inwood neighborhood of Manhattan, lifts up the work of ESPERA, a unique program focused on economic autonomy and civic engagement of rural women in Central America and Mexico. ESPERA’s unique model is based on working long term in solidarity with women’s organizations who have a strong commitment to their families and communities. Local leadership is key to sustainability. We have a focus on strengthening the women’s leadership skills related to strategizing and planning, and we encourage developing strong networks with others locally, nationally and regionally.
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English
Concept note: Click on the following link to access the concept note in English
*Interpretation will be provided in English and Spanish

Children and the Promise of Gender Equality
13 March 2025, 9:15am-10:45am (New York time)

In-person (Baha’i International Community, 866 United Nations Plaza #120) and virtual event (held via Zoom)
Sponsors: IBVM-Loreto Generalate, Baha’i International Community, ChildFund Alliance, Equimundo, Plan International, Save the Children, Women’s Refugee Commission, Permanent Mission of Australia to the UN, Permanent Mission of Austria to the UN, Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN, and Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the UN
Description: This side-event will identify how both political will and actions driven by civil society initiatives in support of strengthening the rights of one demographic group (e.g., women) tend to complement and strengthen similar initiatives targeting the rights of others (e.g., children in all their diversity, girls and boys) and vice-versa. For instance, in what ways can addressing boyhood, caring masculinities and transformative gender norms ensure societal safeguarding against the rising backlash against women’s rights, feminism, and gender equality? How can support for girls and boys, as well as children’s very own actions, complement and reinforce one another and the work of their caregivers? Furthermore, how can humanitarian aid advance gender equality, while ensuring that no child is left behind? How can equality-driven governments and civil society organizations best join forces to further the ambition of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) and the Beijing +5 Political Declaration and Outcome (2000), including a genuine commitment to gender equality, the empowerment of women, girls, boys, and children in their diversity, the identification of gaps as well as an ongoing follow-up mechanism to hold governments accountable on the implementation of their commitments?
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English
Concept note: Click on the following link to access the concept note in English

Register to participate in-person or via Zoom: https://bic-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/MuR4BA-iQ6uL_XexdCqSLg#/registration

Sacred Activism: Creating equitable communities by exploring connections between spirituality and transformative action
13 March 2025, 10:30am (New York time)

Virtual event (held via Zoom)
Sponsors: The Grail, United for Equity and Ending Racism (UFER)
Description: Be a part of the global conversation on spirituality and social transformation. A truly equal and equitable international community of women and girls is essential for creating gender equality, supporting empowerment, and providing access to resources, safe spaces, and sustainability. The purpose of this event is to share testimonials and spiritual practices of members engaged in 3 critical areas of concern from the BPfA: eliminating violence, poverty, and the effects of the climate crisis at the grassroots level. Objectives:  Learn about methods for building and fostering equitable partnerships in this interactive session, through the lens of International Grail Programs, and the personal stories  from Brazil, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Uganda and USA Provide an opportunity for women from all over the world to come together and dialogue about effective strategies and methods for co-constructing authentic equitable communities. Cultivate an international conversation about women and the intersection of spirituality, and transformative actions.  Share tips and best practices from a variety of cultural approaches and Grail programs to apply in other social and spiritual communities.
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English

Register to join via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/gKASpQqISd6khjWZJfxJjw#/registration

Inclusive Policies to Achieve Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment and End Homelessness
13 March 2025, 10:30am-12:00pm (New York time)

Virtual event (held via Zoom)
Sponsors: NGO Working Group to End Homelessness, UNANIMA International, NGO Committee on Migration, NGO Committee on Social Development, Permanent Mission of Ireland, Ruff Institute of Global Homelessness, ATD Fourth World, Women in Development and Environment, and more
Description: Women and girls constitute a significant and growing, though often less visible, percentage of homeless populations, and due to universal gender inequality, their circumstances demand additional attention and actions. This parallel event will explore how inclusive social policies can address the intersection of homelessness and the feminization of poverty, emphasizing that doing so is crucial to achieve the Beijing Platform for Action’s goals. A variety of multistakeholder experts will discuss how the provision of gender-sensitive social protections can disrupt cycles of poverty, housing insecurity, and exclusion, particularly for women and girls experiencing homelessness and displacement.
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English

Register to join via Zoom: https://depaul.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Rtk90fQOSjSNlQzRgGA3rA?_x_zm_rtaid=Hxf9FvWoQBGyoG2Fo4_e4g.1741273247334.00a6295d644ff65e15b71d90143dcc82&_x_zm_rhtaid=232#/registration

Women of Faith Leading Change: Going further, faster, together for climate and gender
13 March 2025, 1:30pm-2:45pm (New York time)

In-person (Tzu Chi Center, 229 E 60th Street, New York) and virtual event (held via Zoom)
Sponsors: Women, Faith, & Climate Network; Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations; United Nations Environment Program; Ministry of Women, Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Department; and the Permanent Mission of Sierra Leone to the United Nations
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English

Register to join in-person or via Zoom: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfh25zKHvwRJcN5qJbjZaJqcmMjUv4k02WWg_e7UdDRWkCIAw/viewform

Healing the Divide: Transformative Community Approaches to Gender Equity
13 March 2025, 6:30pm-8:00pm (New York time)

In-person event (10th Floor, Church Center for the United Nations, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, 10017)
Sponsors: Gender Equity and Reconciliation International, Loretto at the UN
Description: All are welcome to this free introduction to Gender Equity and Reconciliation International’s unique  methodology. Through transformative storytelling and deep listening, you will engage in a process that fosters real healing between women, men, and people of all genders. Despite decades of progress, gender injustice and harm persist globally. GERI and Loretto at the UN invite you to move beyond traditional activism and policy discussions. This event offers a practical experience of GERI’s methodology, which applies truth and reconciliation principles to gender and sexual injustice. Developed over 32 years and endorsed by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in 2013, GERI’s approach addresses the root causes of patriarchy and gender-based violence. As the UN marks the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration, Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) and Loretto at the UN are honored to co-sponsor a powerful experience of healing gender relations and fostering reconciliation.
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English

For more information, please visit the event page on the NGO CSW Forum platform, Whova: https://ngocsw69forum.events.whova.com/Agenda/4414598

Ending gender-based violence: Community-led projects that unlock the potential of women and girls
14 March 2025, 8:30am (New York time)

Virtual event (held via Zoom)
Sponsors: International Presentation Association, School Sisters of Notre Dame, UNANIMA International, Government of Chile, Graduate Women International, Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council of North and South America, Soroptimist International, Women in Agriculture for Sustainable Development, and the International Association of Charities
Description: Community-led programmes that empower women and girls as well as strengthen social services for gender-based violence survivors by increasing awareness of their rights will be highlighted during this event. Relevant projects from the grassroots level will indicate that formal and informal education is a powerful transformative tool not only in responding to and advocating against violence, but also in dismantling gender stereotypes, hence preventing violence from occurring before it even starts.
Thirty years after the landmark Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action many advances for women and girls have been achieved. However, progress in strengthening women’s and girls’ rights has not gone far or fast enough. Much more need to be done, worldwide, to address the backlash against women’s and girls’ rights and meet the promise of gender equality.
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English
Concept note: Click on the following link to access the concept note in English

Join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUscuiurD4iEtKlqNWE9FcYU2gkVvmnqtte#/registration

An Intergenerational Panel: Confronting Gender-Specific Violence and Promoting Justice and Peace
14 March 2025, 10:30am (New York time)

Virtual event (held via Zoom)
Sponsors: Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Description: Coming soon
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the event flyer in English

Join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_r3PprFgUS9KW-5YrXptjnQ#/registration

Advancing the Rights of Haitian Women and Girls: Haiti’s Transition and Beyond
14 March 2025, 12:30pm-2:00pm (New York time)

In-person (Church Center to the United Nations, 777 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017) and virtual event (held via Zoom)
Sponsors: Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, Haitian Women’s Collective
Description: Join us for a parallel event for and by Haiti’s women and girls at the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). A panel of Haitian women’s rights activists and the Chair of the UN Working Group on Discrimination Against Women and Girls will offer a space dedicated to solving the challenges of mobilizing for the rights of women and a feminist policy agenda in Haiti during the present crisis and beyond, including how solidarity partners from outside Haiti can support their work. 
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer and speaker bios in English

Details and Registration: https://www.ijdh.org/ijdh_events/csw-parallel-event-dedicated-to-haitis-women-and-girls/

Accelerating Gender Justice and Safe Workplaces: Advancing ILO Convention No.190 for a Violence-Free Future
17 March 2025, 8:30am-10:00am (New York time)

Virtual event (held via Zoom)
Sponsors: NGO Committee on Migration, NGO Committee for Social Development, NGO CSW New York, NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons, NGO Committee on Financing for Development
Description:  The 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 69) emerges as a critical juncture to drive forward discussions on the implementation of C-190. This session offers a vital opportunity to showcase best practices, confront challenges head-on, and seize opportunities to accelerate the ratification and enforcement of C-190 globally, ensuring a safer and more just working environment for all. The objective of the parallel event is to raise awareness about C-190, gain insights into the progress on ratification and implementation efforts following ratification, and generate collective advocacy and momentum to advance ratification. The session will facilitate a comprehensive dialogue among speakers representing Member States policymakers, the ILO, trade unions, the private sector, and civil society organizations (specifically focusing on informal sector workers), followed by breakout sessions to strategize on collective efforts to advance ratification.
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English
Concept note: Click on the following link to access the concept note in English

Join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/wAiH6AKJQemKLYB_IvunEg#/registration

Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Key to Ending Violence Against Women
18 March 2025, 11:15am (New York time)

In-person event (Baha’i International Community, 866 UN Plaza Suite 102, New York, NY 10017)
Sponsors: Ministry of Women Affairs, Osun state, Nigeria;
WorldWIDE Network Nigeria: Women in Development and Environment; HIC- Women and Habitat African Working Group; and UNANIMA International.
Description: The parallel event will be presenting key issues and strategies towards ending violence against women.The panel of experts, advocates and practitioners, will highlight cultural and structural barriers to gender equality and steps to tackle them. They will be presenting effective strategies and partnerships needed to dismantle barriers to ending violence against women for the transformational changes we desire. The intersection between Violence Against Women, Gender Inequality and Homelessness will also be discussed.
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English
Concept note: Click on the following link to access the concept note in English

Register to attend in-person: DEADLINE Friday, 14 March  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9R88RivQ8U6WMvliLEYOOblyp0FpJII2OXntc9ZPpTJMWpg/viewform

Women, Water, and Extractivism: Reclaiming Resources, Restoring Rights, Building Justice
20 March 2025, 8:30am-10:00am (New York time)

Virtual event (held via Zoom)
Sponsors: NGO Mining Working Group
Description: This event during CSW, ahead of World Water Day, will explore the gendered impacts of extractivism on water rights and access. It will feature women from resource-extractive regions, highlighting their disproportionate burden in managing water amid environmental degradation. The session will explore challenges such as water scarcity, displacement, and heightened vulnerability to violence. Panelists will share insights on women’s leadership in resistance movements, and their advocacy for policies that protect both their rights and the environment. The event aims to advance commitments in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action to environmental justice and gender equality.
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English
Concept note: Click on the following link to access the concept note in English and Spanish

Join via Zoom: https://mercyinternational.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAvduugqTMsHNOwhrq_NAZ8TjoKkzMk4q1a#/registration

Women and Forced Migration: Addressing Challenges and Promoting Rights
20 March 2025, 2:30pm (New York time)

In-person event (11th floor conference room at the UN Church Center, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017)
Sponsors: World Women’s Observatory, World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations, and the Scalabrini International Migration Network
Description: This side event aims to highlight the lived experiences of women refugees and migrants, and to advocate for their rights, while examining how the international community can better support and protect them.
Flyer: Click on the following link to access the flyer in English