2024 Programme for “Digital Delegates” of Religious NGOs to the HLPF on Sustainable Development

Click on the following links to view the programme in English, Español, and Portuguese.

Participants: Religious Sisters, Brothers, priests, associates, and partners in mission who are based in, or have significant personal experience in, countries who will present VNR reports to the 2024 HLPF

Goals for participants:

  • Build understanding of the role of the Religious voice in the UN system and global efforts toward just, sustainable development
  • Establish or deepen understanding of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the related High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) and Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) on progress toward achieving them
  • Get support from UN representatives of Religious NGOs toward participation in your national and global conversations on SDG progress
  • Meet and learn from other women and men Religious and their partners who are seeking to implement and monitor SDGs in your region and other parts of the world


  • Series of live, online gatherings to provide orientation and facilitate preparatory research and engagement of members between January and July 2023
    • Global gatherings (for all participants): 15 January, 12 February, 29 April, 20 May, 1 July, and 5 August
    • Regional gatherings: exact dates to be determined by those in each group 
      • between 12 February and 20 May: regional meet and greet
      • February-April 2024: Regional Fora on Sustainable Development sponsored by UN Economic & Social Commissions for each global region
        • Asia-Pacific: 20-23 February 2024
        • Western Asia: 5-7 March 2024
        • Europe: 13-14 March 2024
        • Latin America and the Caribbean: 15-19 April 2024
        • Africa: week of 22 April 2024
      • between 8 and 19 July: regional discussion of national government’s reports
  • Independent study/reflection activities to be completed between online gatherings
  • “JCoR SDG Lab” following the HLPF (22-26 July 2024)
    • Platform featuring a series of open Zoom calls where members and partners can meet to share good practices/knowledge/expertise on various SDGs under review
    • time slots for live discussions to be focused on each of the SDGs under review at 2024 HLPF: 1 (end poverty), 2 (end hunger), 13 (climate action), 16 (peace, justice, strong institutions), 17 (partnerships for the SDGs)

Commitment required for participation:

  • Ability to converse in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French
  • Participation in at least 5 online gatherings (global and/or regional)
  • Viewing of recordings of any gathering one is unable to attend live
  • Participation in at least one session of the “JCoR SDG Lab” in July
  • Completion of all independent study/reflection and outreach activities between gatherings
  • Effort to make contact with a national civil society network that is monitoring SDG implementation in the participant’s country
  • Participation in a JCoR WhatsApp group with other HLPF delegates from the same country throughout the programme

Content of online gatherings:

  • 15 January 2024: Global Call #1
    • What is the Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR)?
    • What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
    • What is the role of Religious congregations in the UN system and the SDGs?

      »  Presentation slides from this call:  English    Spanish    Portuguese    French

      »  Video recordings of this call:  English     Spanish     Portuguese

  • 12 February 2024: Global Call #2
    • What is the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF)?
    • What are Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs)?
    • How can we, members of civil society, participate in the VNR process and in the HLPF?

     »  Presentation slides from this call:  English    Spanish    Portuguese    French

                »  Video recordings of this call:  English     Spanish     Portuguese     French

  • February-May 2024:
    • Regional Calls: Round 1
      • Meeting others with your region and learning about their personal areas of ministry and experience
      • Exact date and time to be selected by members from each region
    • Regional Fora on Sustainable Development
      • Dates for each region:
        • Asia-Pacific: 20-23 February 2024
        • Western Asia: 5-7 March 2024
        • Europe: 13-14 March 2024
        • Latin America and the Caribbean: 15-19 April 2024
        • Africa: week of 22 April 2024
      • What are the central themes or concerns my national government is emphasizing in our input to the Regional Forum?
      • What ideas or concerns are absent from my government’s input to the Regional Forum?
      • How does my government’s input compare to those of other countries in the region?


  • 29 April 2024: Global Call #3
    • What were key themes of our respective nations’ input to their Regional Fora?
    • What insights or concepts from our respective governments’ input would we wish to reinforce? What would we add?
    • What key ideas or observations did we take away from the Regional Forum as a whole?

     »  Presentation slides from this call:  English    Spanish    Portuguese    French

                »  Video recordings of this call:  English     Spanish     Portuguese     French

  • 20 May 2024: Global Call #4
    • How can we reflect on reports of governments and civil society that were submitted to previous HLPF sessions?
    • To which of the priority SDGs does each of us feel called to focus (and possibly speak about) during the JCoR SDG Lab?
    • What tasks do we need to complete in order to prepare for our participation in the HLPF and JCoR SDG Lab?
    • Click here to access the VNR for your country

     »  Presentation slides from this call:  English    Spanish    Portuguese    French

  • 1 July 2024: Global Call #5
    • How shall we prepare our contributions to the JCoR SDG Lab?
    • How do we follow the proceedings of the HLPF virtually or in person?

     »  Presentation slides from this call:  English    Spanish    Portuguese    French

                »  Video recordings of this call:  English    Spanish    Portuguese    French

  • 8 – 19 July 2024: Regional Calls: Round 2
    • What are our responses to the most recent VNR presented by our respective governments?
    • What are our responses to the most recent SDG progress report(s) developed by a civil society network in our respective countries?
    • What are the key ideas from each country that we want to include in our presentations/comments for the JCoR SDG Lab?


  • 5 August 2024: Global Call #6
    • What were our impressions of the 2024 HLPF and JCoR SDG Lab?
    • How do we intend to take the lessons of this process forward?
    • What support from JCoR or our congregations would helpful to us as we continue to implement and monitor SDGs in our countries?
REGISTER separately for each global session you will attend live via these links:

15 January 2023 (13:00-15:00 UTC): https://bit.ly/3sOa1YI
12 February 2024 (13:00-15:00 UTC): https://bit.ly/3tQu8WF
29 April 2024 (13:00-15:00 UTC): https://bit.ly/3uyXida
20 May 2024 (13:00-15:00 UTC): https://bit.ly/4beHtrL
1 July 2024 (13:00-15:00 UTC): https://bit.ly/3K8khA6
5 August 2024 (13:00-15:00 UTC): https://bit.ly/4eN92Lf