We are a group of 23 non-governmental organizations that are accredited to collectively represent over 200 congregations of Roman Catholic women and men Religious at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters in New York. For centuries, congregations of Religious have served those who have been rendered poor, vulnerable, oppressed, and marginalized by existing global systems. Through our membership in JCoR, we have united with our sister and brother organizations to enhance collaboration among our members–at UN Headquarters and around the world–in our common mission: to improve quality of life for people living in poverty and to enhance our stewardship of the natural environment.
The primary aim of our collaboration is to strengthen the capacity of our members to address the root causes of unsustainable development.
We work toward this goal by coordinating national, regional, and global efforts of Religious to call on local and national leaders for a just, equitable, and rights-based implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN’s Agenda for 2015-2030.
Guide to the Commission on the Status of Women
JCoR created a guide to the 69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69). It provides background information on this fora, details on how you can participate in the proceedings, and recommended events sponsored by the faith-based community at the United Nations. The guide is available in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish and can be found on our conference engagement guides webpage. We encourage you to explore this resource and share it with your networks.
Upcoming and Recent Events
Visit our events page for a complete list of our upcoming activities, where you can also access resources and recordings of past events. Check out our Google calendar to view forthcoming regional events and Global Community Hours.

JCoR Workshop for Religious in the Antilles (April 2025)
The Justice Coalition of Religious’ Network of Latin America and the Caribbean invites Catholic women and men Religious as well as their lay associates and partners who are in ministry in the Antilles to participate in a JCoR Workshop, which will be held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago from 4 to 7 April 2025. This workshop aims to promote political formation, participation in public bodies, and advocacy for the justice in the social, economic, and environmental structures of society. Participants will engage in dialogue to unravel the mystical, prophetic dimension of Religious Life and our shared Mission to respond to the cries of the Earth and of those who are suffering from poverty, exclusion, oppression, or violence. They will also be invited to join a global community of advocates who are working together to address the root causes of inequality, violent conflict, and environmental destruction. The program will make visible and empower in a special way, the perspectives of women, lay people, and young people. Complete and submit the registration form in order to express your interest in attending this program in person and your commitment to participating in the full 4 days of the program if you are selected for in-person participation. Due to space limitations, we cannot guarantee the in-person participation of every person who expresses interest in this program.

March Global Community Hour: SDG 5 Gender Equality
Click here to access the prayer on SDG 5: Gender justice. We are pleased to invite you to JCoR’s Global Community Hour on Friday, 14 March 2025, from 7:00-8:00am (Guatemala City, Mexico City) / 9:00-10:00am (New York, Bogotá, Havana, Lima) / 10:00-11:00am (Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires) / 3:00-4:00pm (Central Africa time) / 6:30-7:30pm (India Standard time). This meeting is part of a series of monthly online gatherings for Religious from around the globe to come together in prayer for our world and to shine a light on the most pressing justice issues emerging in your respective nations and regions. In preparation for this year’s High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), we are beginning a series of gatherings focused on HLPF review themes, starting with SDG 5: Gender equality. Therefore, we are especially inviting individuals to share their experience in ministry, working to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. As usual, all voices and justice concerns are welcome in this communal space. Sisters, Brothers, priests, lay associates, and partners in mission are all welcome! English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish interpretation will be available. Click here to register. Please contact communications@jcor2030.org with any questions. We will convene in this manner on the second Friday of each month. We hope you and your members will join us on Friday, 14 February and for future “Global Community Hour” gatherings! Click on the following links to view the Global Community Hour flyer in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Beijing Platform for Action: Women and Church Action for Gender Equity
On 11 March 2025, JCoR co-sponsored a parallel event during the 69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). This hybrid event celebrated the radical, creative, and transformative contributions of women of faith in advancing gender equity within their communities and beyond. Sponsors: Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Loreto Generalate, VIVAT International, Medical Mission Sisters, Maryknoll Sisters, Society of the Sacred Heart, and the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd Description: The intergenerational dialogue explored the experiences of women of faith since the adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995. It highlighted the rich history and contributions of religious women, emphasizing the innovative ways they have navigated and worked within patriarchal systems to effect meaningful change. The panel also examined the progress made, identified persistent gaps, and discussed how women religious, faith-based organizations, and men of faith can collaborate to advance gender equality. Furthermore, the session provided a space to share best practices and challenges encountered by faith-based organizations serving grassroots communities. Concept note: Click on the following link to access the concept note in English Flyer: Click on the following ink to access the flyer in English, French, and Spanish. The event recording is available in English, French, and Spanish. Photos from the event:

CSW69 Welcome Gathering for Delegates of Religious NGOs
JCoR is offering an online welcome gathering for CSW69. This event will be held for delegates of Religious NGOs who intend to participate in some part of 69th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69), and it will take place on Friday, 7 March 2025, from 8:00AM-9:30AM (New York time). The gathering will provide an opportunity to meet other delegates, to pray and reflect on hopes and intentions for engagement with the CSW process, and to ask questions about how to participate and follow online. *Interpretation will be provided in English, French, and Spanish Reflection prompts on the Beijing Platform for Action and to help you navigate CSW69 with intention Full text of our Prayerful Reflection on the Beijing Platform for Action (Credit to UN Women for the background facts on each “critical area” for action) Additional CSW69 Resources: – JCoR’s guide to CSW69 – Curated list of CSW69 events recommended by the JCoR and our community at the United Nations in New York – JCoR’s CSW69 joint statement in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese